Providing good SEO optimization is a key activity for an e-commerce: improving site ranking means getting more organic traffic.
An SEO strategy suitable for an e-commerce involves three steps:
- analysis of competitors, keywords and queries;
- optimization of any site problems found during the analysis;
- promotion of the site through link building, link earning, etc….
Good SEO for an online shop includes, in addition to the classic actions for optimization, web marketing strategies necessary to increase the number of customers and conversions. (you’d better ask for seo consulting).
Here, then, are 5 strategies you can adopt to improve your e-commerce ranking.
Increase traffic using YouTube visibility.
YouTube videos are a very valuable aid to an SEO strategy. In fact, they are always among the top results for almost every search.
Make short original videos or edit official videos of the parent companies of the products you resell. Include the keyword you want to rank for in the title and don’t forget to include the link to your site in the description. Over time this type of content generates a lot of traffic and, consequently, a lot of sales.
Increase ecommerce traffic using Google shopping
Another valuable help comes to us from Google Shopping: after YouTube, the first search results are precisely from Google Shopping. In fact, there are numerous websites that have managed to double their site traffic.
In order to take advantage of the potential of this medium register with Google Merchant Center and upload a feed of your products.
Plus since the end of 2020 Google shopping has become free worldwide-you just have to try it out!
Use reviews
Often a potential customer before making a purchase will look for online reviews to help them decide whether to turn to a particular site, especially if it is their first time visiting.
Creating a verifiable system of reviews is a very effective tool to reassure potential customers.
There are many services that allow customers to post reviews in which they tell about their experiences with an e-commerce and that you can use to entice new users to purchase, such as trustpilot, eshoppingadvisor, ekomi…
Price comparison portals to bring in qualified traffic
To acquire qualified traffic for your site try using online price comparison portals.
Using these portals, users can find the lowest price available for the products they are interested in, while also evaluating ecommerce businesses based on reviews.
The most commonly used price comparison sites are:
- kelkoo;
- idealo
- price finder.
Using these services brings many benefits such as:
- increased traffic, thanks to the excellent positioning of such sites;
- improvement of brand image;
- increased site reliability;
- increased sales.
Intercept informational searches
Product purchase often comes only at the end of a long search: users often conduct informational searches to obtain information about the product or service of interest.
Many e-commerce owners focus their attention only on transactional searches, that is, those that contain keywords for products. While it is true that it is this type of search that has the highest conversion rate, it is also important to focus on informational searches that meet an immediate user need.
In fact, by providing the right information to the potential customer who is searching for it, it is easy for the latter to conclude the purchase on your site upon completion of his or her evaluations.
So identify what informational searches for the products you sell may be, write informational guides that may be useful to customers, and include links to the products.
Identify informational searches
To determine which informational queries are of interest to you, use a keyword research tool such as SEMrush, Seozoom, etc…
You can also identify informational queries by taking advantage of Google’s autocomplete feature (Google Suggest). In this case, use interrogative adverbs before your product name.
Write detailed guides
Once you have established information queries, write detailed guides that are able to provide the user with as much information about the topic of interest as possible.
Write content that is not too concise and is not limited to a few words of text needed to enter keywords. Instead, create content that includes instructions, examples, videos, tutorials… to meet any customer needs.
Insert links to related products
In your guides, insert links to products related to the topic and, if possible, insert call-to-actions as well.
This will improve the internal link juice of your site’s pages and increase the likelihood that users will conclude a purchase after receiving valuable information from your guide.
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